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Week's Proverb : A nod is as good as a wink.-(To a person who is ready to understand or undertake something, any subtle signalling of it is sufficient)

Theme of the Week

About Me

It is my first time to say hello and do some self introduction to everybody here online. My name is Ashis.P.Donthi, male, 27, from Bangalore, India. I like reading, and do some collections in my spare time.

About Me

It is my first time to say hello and do some self introduction to everybody here online. My name is Ashis.P.Donthi, male, 27, from Bangalore, India. I like reading, and do some collections in my spare time.

About Me

It is my first time to say hello and do some self introduction to everybody here online. My name is Ashis.P.Donthi, male, 27, from Bangalore, India. I like reading, and do some collections in my spare time.

About Me

It is my first time to say hello and do some self introduction to everybody here online. My name is Ashis.P.Donthi, male, 27, from Bangalore, India. I like reading, and do some collections in my spare time.

About Me

It is my first time to say hello and do some self introduction to everybody here online. My name is Ashis.P.Donthi, male, 27, from Bangalore, India. I like reading, and do some collections in my spare time.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Indian Police Service

The First Police Commission, was appointed on 17 August 1865. The Indian Police Service, simply known as Indian Police or IPS, is one of the three All India Services of the Government of India. In 1948, a year after India gained independence from Britain, the Imperial Police (IP) was replaced by the Indian Police Service. Very innovately, a magazine called The Hyderabad Protector, was launched on January 2011, by the IPS officials of Hyderabad - the only magazine that is officially associated with the Hyderabad City Police. To serve in the IPS one has to be elevated from the state cadre or pass the Civil Services Examination conducted by Union Public Service Commission every year which is a common examination for selection to All India Services. Civil Services Examination has a three stage...

Friday, January 28, 2011


IntroductionIn the sixth century before the Christian era, religion was forgotten in India. The lofty teachings of the Vedas were thrown into the background. There was much priestcraft everywhere. The insincere priests traded on religion. They duped the people in a variety of ways and amassed wealth for themselves. They were quite irreligious. In the name of religion, people followed in the footsteps of the cruel priests and performed meaningless rituals. They killed innocent dumb animals and did various sacrifices. The country was in dire need of a reformer of Buddha's type. At such a critical period, when there were cruelty, degeneration and unrighteousness everywhere, reformer Buddha was born to put down priestcraft and animal sacrifices, to save the people and disseminate the message of...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Golden Age

Mayan Calendar Corroborates Hindu Prophecy:In the "Brahma-Vaivarta Purana", Lord Krishna tells Ganga Devi that a Golden Age will come in the Kali Yuga - one of the four stages of development that the world goes through as part of the cycle of eras, as described in Hindu scriptures. Lord Krishna predicted that this Golden Age will start 5,000 years after the beginning of the Kali Yuga, and will last for 10,000 years. Mayan Calendar Matches Hindu Calendar. It is interesting that this prediction of the emergence of a new world is prophesied to appear about the same time that the Mayans predicted it to come! The Mayan calendar began with the Fifth Great Cycle in 3114 BC and will end on 21 December 2012 AD. The Hindu Kali Yuga calendar began on 18 February 3102 B.C. There is only a difference of...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Know More

Q. Why are Chinese calendars based on animals?A. A large percentage of the Chinese are followers of Taoism. According to Taoism belief, the Jade Emperor is the ruler of heaven, mankind and hell. It is said that the Jade Emperor decided to assign a different animal for each year, so that people could easily remember the twelve-year zodiac cycle. So he called one representative from each animal species and held an obstacle race for them. The first 12 animals were selected.Source: TOI-Rajeshwari Singh, New Delhi.Presented by ANSAHNID...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sankranti Quotes

Once a WISE Man asked GOD"What is the meaning of Life?"GOD: "Life itself has no meaning in it. Life is an opportunity to create a Meaning."-A Friend.Once a boy happened to walk on a rope bridge. It was very high, he got scared. He saw his friend on the other side and called him for help but there was no reply. He somehow managed and crossed the bridge. There he was shocked to see his friend holding the end of the broken bridge. Sometimes we think why our friend is keeping quite while we face problem. Just trust your friend in all situations. FRIENDSHIP never fails.... If it fails, there will be no meaning in RELATIONSHIP....-A Frie...



Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Questions and Answers of the week. ANLH1

Questions and Answers:1. What element is present in all proteins, distinguishing them from non-proteins?a. Carbonb. Oxygenc. Nitrogend. HeliumCorrect Answer is NitrogenExplanation:All proteins must contain nitrogen. Legumes such as peas and beans are high in protein because they share a mutualistic relationship with Rhizobium bacteria in the soil. The bacteria give the plant nitrogen in the form of nitrate ions in exchange for glucose from the root nodules.2. What is the hormone in plants called which causes them to bend towards the light?a. Starchb. Chlorophyllc. Auxind. PhotosynthesisCorrect Answer is AuxinExplanation:Auxin causes cells in the stem of the plant to elongate which bends the stem towards the direction of the light. Auxin is also produced in root tips to make the roots bend...


ADITYA HRIDAYA STOTRA - SURYA UPASANASINGER: SHUBHA MUGDALMUSIC : PT BHAJAN SOPORI1.Tato yuddha pari srantam samare cintayasthitamRavanam Cagrato drustva yuddhaya Samupasthitam2.Daiva taisca Samagamya drastu mabhyaga toranamUpagamyabra Veedrama magastyo Bhagavan Rshih3.Rama Rama Mahabaho Srunu guhyam SanatanamYeno Sarva nareenvatsai Samare Vijayisyasi4.Aditya hrudam punyam Sarva Satru VinasanamJaya vaham japetnityam Akshayam paramam Sivam5.Sarva mangala mangalyam sarva papa pranasanamCintasoka prasamanam Ayurvardhana muttamam6.Rasmi mantam Samudyantam Devasura namaskrutamPujayasva vivasvantam Bhaskaram Bhuvanesvaram7.Sarva devatmako hyesa Tejasvi, rasmi bhavanahEsa devasura ganan lokan pati gabhasthibhih8.Esa Brahmaca Visnusca sivah skandah prajapatihMahendro dhanadah Kaloyamah somo pampatih9.Pitaro...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Just A Quote...

"Our Today's Action is Tomorrow's People Reaction."-ANSAHNI...

Sunday, January 09, 2011

JavaScript Part 2

Click the below link to download the JavaScript CodesJavaScript CodesHappy Learning-ANSAHNI...

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Week's Question & Answer

Question: What is Black Energy?Answer: In astronomy, black energy is a hypothetical form of energy that permeates all of space and tends to increase the rate of expansion of the universe. Black energy currently accounts for 73% of the total mass energy of the universe. Black energy his been used as a crucial ingredient in a recent attempt to formulate a cyclic model for the universe. The nature of black energy is very homogeneous, not too den...


Age: 4.6 billion years old. Position: 3rd planet from the sun. Size: 5th largest planet in our solar system Surface Area: 197 million square miles, about 70 percent of the Earth's surface is coveredwith water. Diameter: The Earth has an average diameter of 12,742 kilometers. (7,926 miles) Average Temperature: The temperature at the Earth's core is estimated to be between 5000 and 7000 degrees Celsius. Length of Year: 365.25 days Inclination of Axis: The Earth's axis has a tilt of about 23 ½ degrees. It is this tilt which causes the seasons. Chemical Composition: The Earth is made mostly of iron, oxygen, silicon, magnesium, nickel and sulfur: 34.6% Iron, 29.5% Oxygen, 15.2% Silicon, 12.7% Magnesium, 2.4% Nickel, 1.9% Sulfur, 0.05% Titani...

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