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Week's Proverb : A nod is as good as a wink.-(To a person who is ready to understand or undertake something, any subtle signalling of it is sufficient)

Theme of the Week

About Me

It is my first time to say hello and do some self introduction to everybody here online. My name is Ashis.P.Donthi, male, 27, from Bangalore, India. I like reading, and do some collections in my spare time.

About Me

It is my first time to say hello and do some self introduction to everybody here online. My name is Ashis.P.Donthi, male, 27, from Bangalore, India. I like reading, and do some collections in my spare time.

About Me

It is my first time to say hello and do some self introduction to everybody here online. My name is Ashis.P.Donthi, male, 27, from Bangalore, India. I like reading, and do some collections in my spare time.

About Me

It is my first time to say hello and do some self introduction to everybody here online. My name is Ashis.P.Donthi, male, 27, from Bangalore, India. I like reading, and do some collections in my spare time.

About Me

It is my first time to say hello and do some self introduction to everybody here online. My name is Ashis.P.Donthi, male, 27, from Bangalore, India. I like reading, and do some collections in my spare time.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Park Your Truck - Game

Click on Read More & Play...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Code for Frame NO RESIZE


Toggle Buttons

1. What is a Toggle Button?Since this tutorial is about the funny-sounding toggle button, let's start by figuring out what it is first. On the surface, a default toggle button looks just like a regular button.While they look similar, toggle buttons differentiate themselves from regular buttons when you click on them. When you click on a regular button, the button processes your click and returns back to its default state. Toggle buttons on the other hand, stick when you click on them for the first time.When you click on the toggle button again, they unstick and go back to looking like a regular button:It is this toggle button ability to hold...

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Morning Stotra - Ganesh Pancharatnam

Ganesha Pancharatnam Stotram:Mudakaraatha Modakam Sada Vimukti SaadhakamKalaadharaavatamsakam Vilasiloka RakshakamAnaaya Kaika Naayakam Vinasitebha DaityakamNataasubhasu Naashakam Namaami Tham Vinaayakam.Natetaraati Bheekaram Navoditaarka BhaasvaramNamat Suraari Nirjanam Nataadhi Kaapa DuddharamSuresvaram Nidheesvaram Gajesvaram GaneshvaramMahesvaram Samaasraye Paraatparam Nirantaram.Samasta Loka Samkaram Nirasta Daitya KunjaramDaredarodaram Varam Vare Bhavaktra MaksharamKrupaakaram Kshamaakaram Mudaakaram YasaskaramManaskaram Namaskrutaam Namaskaromi Bhaasvaram.Akimchanaarti Marjanam Chirantanokti BhaajanamPuraari Poorva Nandanam Suraari Garva CharvanamPrapancha Naasha Bheeshanam Dhananjayaadi BhushanamKapola Daana Vaaranam Bhajaey Puraana Vaaranam.Nitaantikaanta Dantakaanti Mantakaanta KaatmajamAchintya...

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