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Week's Proverb : A nod is as good as a wink.-(To a person who is ready to understand or undertake something, any subtle signalling of it is sufficient)

Theme of the Week

About Me

It is my first time to say hello and do some self introduction to everybody here online. My name is Ashis.P.Donthi, male, 27, from Bangalore, India. I like reading, and do some collections in my spare time.

About Me

It is my first time to say hello and do some self introduction to everybody here online. My name is Ashis.P.Donthi, male, 27, from Bangalore, India. I like reading, and do some collections in my spare time.

About Me

It is my first time to say hello and do some self introduction to everybody here online. My name is Ashis.P.Donthi, male, 27, from Bangalore, India. I like reading, and do some collections in my spare time.

About Me

It is my first time to say hello and do some self introduction to everybody here online. My name is Ashis.P.Donthi, male, 27, from Bangalore, India. I like reading, and do some collections in my spare time.

About Me

It is my first time to say hello and do some self introduction to everybody here online. My name is Ashis.P.Donthi, male, 27, from Bangalore, India. I like reading, and do some collections in my spare time.

Monday, October 08, 2012

Digestive System in Cockroach

Digestive System in Cockroach (Invertebrates) Nutrition in cockroach is holozoic and it is an omnivore, feeding on different kinds of organic matter. It takes in pieces of food and has to grind them before digesting them. Thus its mouth parts are modified accordingly for chewing the food. The digestive system includes the mouth parts, a pair of salivary glands and the alimentary canal. Mouthparts of cockroach To understand the position of the mouth parts, observe the external features of a cockroach in the diagram below. The body of the cockroach is segmented into three portions head, thorax and the abdomen. The mouth parts...

Hippopotamus - The River Horse

The Hippopotamus is the 3rd largest animal after elephants and rhinos. There are 2 species of hippo. The large or common hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius), is found in East Africa, south of the Sahara. The pygmy hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis) comes from West Africa, and is rare. The common hippo can be 13 feet long and 5 feet tall, weighing up to 3 ½ tons (7000 pounds). The pygmy only weighs 440 to 600 pounds and is 4.9 to 5.7 feet long. Not as much is known about the pygmy hippo. With no sweat glands, hippos keep cool in the water or in mud. But they do secrete a red fluid that helps them avoid sunburn. While most of its body is underwater, a hippo can hear, see, and breathe, since its eyes, ears, and nostrils are on the top of its head and nose. When completely underwater, its nose...

Monday, April 30, 2012

Superman aka Christopher Reeve

Christopher D'Olier Reeve (September 25, 1952 – October 10, 2004) was an American actor, film director, producer, screenwriter, author and activist. He achieved stardom for his acting achievements, including his notable motion picture portrayal of the fictional superhero Superman.On May 27, 1995, Reeve became a quadriplegic after being thrown from a horse in an equestrian competition in Virginia. He required a wheelchair and breathing apparatus for the rest of his life. He lobbied on behalf of people with spinal cord injuries, and for human embryonic stem cell research afterward. He founded the Christopher Reeve Foundation and co-founded the...

Friday, April 20, 2012

Charles Robert Darwin

Darwin is the first of the evolutionary biologists, the originator of the concept of natural selection. His principal works, The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859) and The Descent of Man (1871) marked a new epoch.Charles Robert Darwin was born at Shrewsbury. His father was a doctor and his mother was the daughter of Josiah Wedgwood. Darwin first studied medicine at Edinburgh. Will as they might, it soon became clear to the family, and particularly to young Charles, that he was not cut out for a medical career; he was transferred to Cambridge (Christ's Church, 1828), there to train for the ministry. While at Cambridge, Darwin...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Free Running


River Rafting


Wednesday, April 18, 2012



Monday, April 09, 2012

Nathuram Godse

Nathuram Vinayak Godse (Birth: 19 May 1910 – Death: 15 November 1949), was the sole assassin of Mahatma Gandhi, the pre-eminent leader of Indian nationalism in British ruled India and apostle of non-violence shooting Gandhi in the chest three times at point blank range on 30 January 1948 in New Delhi. Godse, a Hindu nationalist activist from Pune, Maharashtra who resented what he considered was Gandhi's partiality to India's Muslims, plotted the assassination with Narayan Apte and six others. After a trial that lasted over a year, Godse was sentenced to death on 8 November, 1949. Although pleas for commutation were made by India's prime minister...

Friday, April 06, 2012


Very often, you must have seen people inserting a small flat rectangular object into a computer. This small thing, known as a pen drive can hold a great amount of information in all forms.What is a Pen drive?It is a type of Universal Serial Cable (USB) flash drive. It is akind of memory card that can be plugged into a computer’s USBport. It is termed “Pen drive” with reference to its size. It is smalland compact thus making it fit into the palm of our hand. It is oftenflat and rectangular like a highlighter pen. A pen drive is used tostore data and has a storage capacity of 64 MB to 32 GB. It is removableand rewrittable. It is mostly used as...

Friday, March 23, 2012


Bacteriology: The science and study of bacteria and their relation to medicine andto other areas such as agriculture (e.g., farm animals) and industry. Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms which can live as independent organisms or, dependently, as parasites. Among the better known bacteria are strep, staph, and the agentsof tuberculosis and leprosy. Bacteriology is a part of microbiology which encompasses the study of bacteria, viruses, and all other sorts of microorganis...

Alexander Fleming

Alexander Fleming was born in 1881 at Lochfield, a farm outside Darvel, a small town in Ayrshire, Scotland. He was the third child, with seven other brothers and sisters. After completing his educationat Regent Street Polytechnic, London in 1897, he took an office job for a few years. In 1901, he quit his job and went to St. Mary Hospital to study medicine. He then worked in Almroth Wright's research team as a research assistant with a strong interest in bacteriology. During the war between Britain and Germany in 1914, Fleming joined the British Royal Army Medical Corps to develop a cure to reduce the number of soldiers dying from infected wounds. He argued that antiseptics were not effective in preventing wounds from becoming infected. His argument was, however, rejected and little was done...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Exogamy is a social arrangement where marriage is allowed only outside of a social group. The social groups define the scope and extent of exogamy, and the rules and enforcement mechanisms that ensure its continuity.In social studies, exogamy is viewed as a combination of two related aspects: biological and cultural.Biological exogamy is marriage of non blood-related beings, regulated by forms of incest law. A form of exogamy is a dual exogamy, in which two groups engage in continual wife exchange.Cultural exogamy is the marrying outside of a specific cultural group.The opposite of exogamy is endogamy, a marriage within a social gro...

Forms of Marriage

Polygamy is a marriage which includes more than two partners.Polygamy exists in three specific forms:polygyny - wherein a man has multiple simultaneous wivesPolyandry - wherein a woman has more than one husband at the same time. Fraternal polyandry was traditionally practiced among nomadic Tibetans in Nepal, parts of China and part of northern India, in which two or more brothers are married to the same wife, with the wife having equal 'sexual access' to them. The Indian epic the Mahabharata includes the polyandrous marriage of Draupadi to the five Pandava brothers. Polyandry is believed to be more likely in societies with scarce environmental resources, as it is believed to limit human population growth and enhance child survival. It is a rare form of marriage that exists not only among poor...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mummy - Part 1

A mummy is a body, human or animal, whose skin and organs have been preserved by either intentional or incidental exposure to chemicals, extreme coldness (ice mummies), very low humidity, or lack of air when bodies are submerged in bogs, so that the recovered body will not decay further if kept in cool and dry conditions. Some authorities restrict the use of the term to bodies deliberately embalmed with chemicals, but the use of the word to cover accidentally desiccated bodies goes back at least to the 1730s.Mummies of humans and other animals have been found all around the world, both as a result of natural preservation through unusual conditions,...


Language may refer either to the specifically human capacity for acquiring and using complex systems of communication, or to a specific instance of such a system of complex communication. The scientific study of language in any of its senses is called linguistics.The approximately 3000–6000 languages that are spoken by humans today are the most salient examples, but natural languages can also be based on visual rather than auditory stimuli, for example in sign languages and written language. Codes and other kinds of artificially constructed communication systems such as those used for computer programming can also be called languages. A language in this sense is a system of signs for encoding and decoding information.The formal study of language began in India with Pāṇini, the 5th century...

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